Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Don Hel Returns

On Saturday I played against my friend Lewis' Chaos force, having just got his new Chaos Daemons Codex! We drew Take & Hold from the Open War deck, along with diagonal deployments. With Bloodletters, Poxwalkers, Bloodcrushers and a Great Unclean One, I thought I'd be fighting an uphill battle.

My Pathfinders and Firesight Marksman were devastated very early on, allowing him to take all 3 objectives but I managed to take down the Great Unclean One after a sustained assault by a Commander, armed with 3 Fusion Blasters and a Shield Generator. Eventually, I managed to whittle down his forces and the game ended up in a tableing, which is no easy feat against a player like Lewis!

Some fluff follow the photos as always!

The forces of the Hunter Cadre gather

"Target acquired, begining bombing run."

Commander El'Var'run eliminating the last of the chaos threat

A prototype XV9 Hazard Support suit - an effective killing machine
Don Hel Returns


A silent ghost.

A demon.

The words echoed through El'Var'run's mind as she sat in the cocoon of her XV85.

The Enforcer-variant was a battlesuit like no other. Bigger, tougher, with much more advanced systems; there were few who were lucky enough to pilot something this grand. While Steadstrike prefered the sleek, speed-focused design of the Coldstar, El'Var'run couldn't live without the versatility the Enforcer afforded her.

Bathed in a dull, reddish glow, the command relay screens flashed with dozens upon dozens of drone-captured stills and footage of the forces of Chaos. Cadres from Pax'nera Sept had fought the forces of Chaos many times before and, for better or for worse, there was plenty to learn from the information gathered during those conflicts.

It had been over a full kai'rotta since she had been ordered to pull her Hunter Cadre out of the Charadon sector. Ever since the Death Guard had landed on Nem'myr, the Ethereals had been ready to declare an evacuation of the sector. Steadstrike had argued their case, having already lost so many T'au lives, but regardless, their orders were absolute.

And now, on the fringes of Pax'nera Sept, on a barren, wasteland of a world with no name, Don Hel had arrived.

Rumours had been circulating for many kai'rotta now. The Canis Aureus had apparently managed to pull a Greater Daemon from beyond the warp. Steadstrike had a strange relationship with the Chapter. A man named Jostein had earned the Commander's respect and they often allied against greater threats. However, there were splinters within the Chapter that were outright heretical - openly worshipping the Chaos Gods and abusing the power they had been gifted. This time appeared to be no different.

El'Var'run jumped, startled at the suddenly broken silence as a communication module opened up on the screen in front of her; a flashing golden symbol of the Air Caste. She quickly composed herself and made a small eye gesture to open up the channel.

On the screen was a tall, lithe T'au, clearly of the Air Caste and a familiar face to El'Var'run.

"Kor'vre Petra."

Petra immediately made the sign of contrition with her hands.

"I apologise O'Yaksha, I wouldn't disturb you if it wasn't important."

"No need Petra."

"It's just.. We've received a report from our contacts on the ground.. And, well.."

Growing a little agitated, El'Var'run shifted in her seat.

"Speak plainly. You said yourself this was important."

"O-of course. We've received a report that says a large daemonic army has begun marching towards Habitat 12-8. They say it was lead by a hulking monstrosity. I've doubled checked it against our databases and-"

El'Var'run cut her off there.

"Don Hel."

"I'm afraid so.."

With that, the T'au Commander closed the channel and sat back in her seat, sighing heavily.
